
Get Started--OLD

For nonprofit organizations, purchase items at below wholesale prices for use in your fundraising activities.

For individuals, purchase any single item and donate the proceeds to your favorite charity!



To Register

For Manufacturers

Soon, the special store for the Nonprofit organizations will be ready.  Until then please call 407-610-0840, or email
CustomerService@bcassoc.com.  We will gladly review your products and contact you about the products we wish to add to our line.

For Nonprofit organizations

Call 407-610-0840 or email CustomerService@bcassoc.com with your Federal information, and you will be added to our database.

For individual consumers

Right now, you do not need to register.  Simply proceed to our store, and place your order.  When you are ready to check out, you will be provided a data entry field where you can enter your preferred organization where you want the proceeds to be sent.

Our forms will be online very soon, so keep checking back with us.  We are anxious for all of you to begin registering and helping out your favorite nonprofit organization!

Nonprofit Clearing Center

Helping you achieve your fundraising goals!

Select an option



Copyright 2007 -- 2011.   All rights reserved